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 / Modern methods of nasolabial folds correction1

Modern methods of nasolabial folds correction1

Автор статьи:
Пушкова Карина
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Modern methods of nasolabial folds correction .
One of the most popular questions nowadays is “how can I correct nasolabial folds?”
A nasolabial fold - is a mimetic fold formed from smiling or while speaking .

 It’s prominence depends on many reasons:
  • age;
  • weight;
  • anatomic features of jaw;
  • genetic;
  • gender.

Nasolabial folds appear differently and at any age.
For the correction of this zone specialists use equipment treatments , hyaluronic acids etc.
  1. Nasolabial fold should be injected with HA fillers (22-24mg/ml) , into dermal level of skin by canula or needle .
  2. Fillers (18-22 mg/ml) should be injected with blanching target technique .
  3. Biorevitalization. Products containing peptids and HA are used for collagen and elastin stimulation performed in courses or just once on indications.
  4. Threads lifting . Threads of polydiaxanon or polylactic acid . Should be inserted into deep level between dermis and subcutaneous fat. They create immediate lifting effect , stimulate the collagen production.
  5. Radiess - the product of hydroxiopatit calcium - is injected to thicken tissue and stimulate cellular process.
  6. Sculptra - The product based on L-lactic acid with prolonged effect -is used for correction of atrophic parts of skin.
  7. Ultrasound lifting Ulthera - is safe because of visual screen, - works on SMAS , improving and lifting the facial contour.
  8. Thermage - stimulates the collagen production with intensive warming up of skin tissue.
Considering individual problems of every patient , ways of treatment are chosen accordingly .

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